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Institut für Mathematik

Poisson Geometry, Higher Structures, and Deformation Theory

Poisson Geometry, Higher Structures, and Deformation Theory
Datum: 20.09.2023, 08:00 - 22.09.2023, 18:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Allgemeine Kategorien, Veranstaltung, Workshop
Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Mathematik X (Mathematische Physik)

International Workshop on Poisson Geometry, Higher Structures, and Deformation Theory

The workshop will take place at the Institute of Mathematics of the Julius-Maximilian University Würzburg.


  • Christian Blohmann (Bonn): Hamiltonian Lie algebroids and Poisson reduction
  • Martin Bordemann (Mulhouse): P. Ševera's proof of the quantization of Lie bialgebras
  • Henrique Bursztyn (Rio de Janeiro): Graded geometry and generalized reduction
  • Alejandro Cabrera (Rio de Janeiro): Non-formal quantization of Poisson manifolds and Integrability
  • Chiara Esposito (Salerno): Deformation and Hochschild Cohomology of Coisotropic Algebras
  • David Fernandez Alvarez (Luxembourg): Noncommutative Poisson geometry and pre-Calabi-Yau algebras
  • Simone Gutt (Bruxelles): Around almost complex structures
  • Bas Janssens (Delft): Central extensions from multisymplectic geometry
  • Madeleine Jotz ( Würzburg): A geometrisation of positively graded manifolds
  • Antonio Miti (Università Brescia): Multisymplectic observables and higher Courant algebroids
  • Claudia Scheimbauer (München): Factorization algebras: an algebraic tool in field theories and higher algebra
  • Jonas Schnitzer (Freiburg): Deformations of Lagrangian Q-submanifolds


Wednesday   Thursday   Friday
10.00 -- 11.00 Simone Gutt 9.00 -- 10.00 David Fernandez Alvarez 9.00 -- 10.00 Claudia Scheimbauer
11.30 -- 12.30 Madeleine Jotz 11.00 -- 12.00 Antonio Miti 11.00 -- 12.00 Christian Blohmann
  Lunch break   Lunch break   Lunch break
14.00 -- 15.00 Martin Bordemann 13.30 -- 14.30 Alejandro Cabrera 13.30 -- 14.30 Henrique Bursztyn
15.30 -- 16.30 Bas Janssens 15.00 -- 16.00 Jonas Schnitzer 15.00 -- 16.00 Chiara Esposito

All talks will take place in the seminar room SE 41.000.06 in the new building Emil-Fischer-Str. 41.


A booklet with all the abstracts is available for download.

Organizers and Contact

If you want to participate please get in contact with us. Unfortunately, we can not provide accomodation or travel support. Nevertheless you are very welcome to get to Würzburg on your own and participate at the workshop

  • Gregor Schaumann
  • Stefan Waldmann
