Institut für Mathematik

Summer School 2012

Four Faces of Number Theory (August 07 - 12, 2012)


  • Modular Forms
  • Expansions of Algebraic Numbers
  • Multiplicative Toeplitz Matrices and the Riemann Zeta Function
  • Arithmetical Topics in Algebraic Graph Theory

Invited Speakers

  • Kathrin Bringmann, Universität zu Köln, Germany
    Modular Forms
  • Yann Bugeaud, Universite de Strasbourg, France
    Expansions of Algebraic Numbers
  • Titus Hilberdink, University of Reading, UK
    Multiplicative Toeplitz Matrices and the Riemann Zeta Function
  • Jürgen Sander, Universität Hildesheim, Germany
    Arithmetical Topics in Algebraic Graph Theory