Janina Just
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Emil-Fischer-Straße 30
30 (Mathematik West)
+49 931 31-87893
+49 931 31-850910

Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung per ✉ E-Mail.
Ansprechpartnerin für MINT-Lehramt PLUS im Fach Mathematik.
Mitarbeiterin im Mathematiklabor.
Lehrveranstaltungen im WS 2024
- Übungen zur Didaktik der Geometrie (Mittel- und Realschule)
- VHB-Kurs: IEM - Introduction to Engineering Mathematics
2025[ to top ]
Siller, H.-S., Vorhölter, K., Just, J., Orschulik, A., & Zieriacks, C. (2025). Empirical Differentiation of Student Competencies in ESD. In K. le Roux, A. Coles, A. Solares-Rojas, A. Bose, C. P. Vistro-Yu, P. Valero, N. Sinclair, M. Makramalla, R. Gutiérrez, V. Geiger, & M. Borba (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th ICMI Study Conference (Mathematics Education and the Socio-Ecological) (pp. 503-510). MATHTED and ICMI. https://www.mathunion.org/icmi/icmi-study-27
2024[ to top ]
Siller, H.-S., Vorhölter, K., & Just, J. (2024). Problem Posing as a Way of Promoting Individual Mathematical Thinking in STEM Contexts - The Case of Climate Change. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-024-10518-7
Just, J., & Siller, H.-S. (2024). Redesigning and Evaluating a Science Activity to Foster Mathematical Problem Solving. Education Sciences, 14(5), 464. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14050464
2022[ to top ]
Just, J., & Siller, H.-S. (2022). The Role of Mathematics in STEM Secondary Classrooms: A Systematic Literature Review. Education Sciences, 12, 629. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12090629
Just, J., & Siller, H.-S. (2022). Towards implementing Black Boxes in Mathematical Modeling an epistemological Approach Adapting models from science and science education. Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), TWG26(9), Article 9. https://hal.science/hal-03745378
2024[ to top ]
Siller, H.-S., Just, J., & Unshelm, N. (2024). Wie Mathematik hilft, das Risiko beim Tauchen zu minimieren. Der Mathematikunterricht, 70(1), 25-34.
2023[ to top ]
Just, J., Siller, H., & Vorhölter, K. (2023). Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Mathematikunterricht am Beispiel des Themas Klima. MNU-Jornal, 76(6), 456-463.