English Intern
Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie

Oberseminar "Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie" - Dr. Andrii Mironchenko

Input-to-state stability of distributed parameter systems
Datum: 20.01.2023, 16:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Veranstaltung
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 40, 01.003
Vortragende: Dr. Andrii Mironchenko, Universität Passau

 Input-to-state stability (ISS) allows estimating the impact of inputs and initial conditions on both the intermediate values and the asymptotic bound on the solutions. ISS has unified the input-output and Lyapunov stability theories and is a crucial property in the stability theory of control systems as well as for many applications whose dynamics depend on parameters, unknown perturbations, or other inputs. In this talk, we sketch a broad picture of infinite-dimensional input-to-state stability theory and discuss such key results as: ISS superposition theorems, Lyapunov theory, stability analysis of networks, as well as admissibility theory for linear systems.


