English Intern
Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie

Oberseminar "Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie" -Gianluca Hütter

Input-to-state stability of time-invariant systems on time scales
Datum: 31.07.2024, 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Veranstaltung
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 40, 01.003
Vortragende: Gianluca Hütter, Institut für Mathematik, Universität Würzburg

This presentation will give a short look into the topic of my PhD research. To this end there will be a small introduction to the concept of dynamical systems on time scales and input-to-state stability for such systems. After that different results regarding ISS of finite dimensional linear and non-linear systems on time scales will be presented and discussed. As these systems are a generalization of the ones in continuous and discrete time, there is a high emphasis on comparing the classical known theory with the results for time scales.
Finally there will be an outlook on future research and open questions.
