Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Stability Theory
3 h, Tue 12-13 and Fri 8-10 both S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Exercise to Stability Theory
1 h, Tue 13-14 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Discrete Dynamics (Bachelor Seminar )
2 h, Thu 12-14 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
Linear Algebra I
4 h, Tue 8-10 Zuse-HS (Computer Science) and Fri 10-12 S0.108 (Pabel-HS, Library & Seminar Centre)
Exercise to Linear Algebra I
2 St., Do 10-12 S0.101 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
Working Group Operator Theory
4 h, Tue 16-18 SE 40 and Wed 10-12 S0.101 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
Introduction to Geometric Analysis
4 h, Mon 16-18 S0.103 (Library & Seminar Centre) and Thu 8-10 HS 4 (Science lecture theatre building)
Exercise to Introduction to Geometric Analysis
2 h, Fri 12-14 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Research Seminar Dynamical Systems and Control Theory (2 h)
Fri 14-16 Mathematik Ost, 40.01.003
- Introduction to Ordinary differential equations (with seminar and exercise)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Algebra und dynamics of quantum systems (with exercise)
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Specialization in mathematics (Realschule, with exercise)
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Working Group Dynamic Systems and Control Theory
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Introduction to discrete Mathematics
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Groups and their representations
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Control Theory
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Ordinary differential equations
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Linear Algebra 2
Lecturer: Prof. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Introduction to Geometric Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Control theory
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Linear Algebra 1
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Analysis 2
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Ordinary differential equations
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Advanced Seminar Dynamic Systems and Control Theory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Analysis 1
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Introduction to differential geometry
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar Ordinary Differential Equations
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Selected topics in control theory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Seminar Completely positive maps and the dynamics of open quantum systems
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Oberseminar Dynamische Systeme und Kontrolltheorie
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Ordinary differential equations
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Specialisation in mathematics
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Algebra and Dynamics of Quantum Systems
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Control Theory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Analysis 1
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Einführung in die Geometrische Analysis
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Selected Topics in Control Theory
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Seminar Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Seminar Dynamics of Quantum Systems
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
- Algebra and Dynamics of Quantum Systems
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Vertiefung Mathematik
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar Control Theory
Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr
- Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Research Seminar Dynamical Systems and Control Theory
Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Dr. Victoriia Grushkovska -
Networked Systems
Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Lineare Algebra (GMR)
Dr. Gunther Dirr
Selected topics in Control Theory
Dr. Gunther Dirr
Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control
Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
Control Theory (Lecturer: Dr. Gunther Dirr)
Bachelor-Seminar Lineare Algebra
Seminar in Dynamical Systems and Control