Dashkovskiy Sergey, Prof. Dr.
Prof. Dr. Sergey Dashkovskiy
Holder of the Professorship for Dynamics and Control
Professorship at the Chair of Mathematics II
Emil-Fischer-Straße 40
40 (Mathematik Ost)
+49 931 31-81335
+49 931 31-84611

Research Fields
- Nonlinear systems theory
- Stability of nonlinear systems
- Large scale interconnected systems
- Infinite-dimensional systems
- Mathematical modeling
for Courses and Exercises see here
Winter Semester 2024/2025:
Introduction to Ordinary differential equations
Mon 16-18 S0.108 (Helmut-Pabel-HS, Library & Seminar Centre), Thu 8-10 HS 2 (Science lecture theatre building)
Exercises to Introduction to Ordinary differential equations
in Groups, Mon 10-12 S1.101; Mon 12-14 S0.106; Mon 14-16 S0.102; Tue 8-12 S0.102 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Seminar Ordinary differential equations
Wed 14-16 S0.101 (Library & Seminar Centre)
Research Seminar Dynamical Systems and Control Theory
Fri 14-16 Mathematik Ost, 40.01.003
WueCampus course
Class Schedule of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Short CV
- 1991 Richelieu Lyceum, Odesa, Ukraine
- 1996 MSc in Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow, Russia
- 2002 PhD in Mathematics, Fr.-Schiller-University of Jena
- 2009 habilitation (venia legendi) in Mathematics, University of Bremen
- 1997-1999 Senior lecturer in Mathematics, Civil Defence Academy of Russia
- 1999-2002 PhD Fellow at the University of Jena
- 2002-2010 Research associate at the University of Bremen
- 2011-2015 Professor of Mathematics at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
- 2016- today Professor of Mathematics at the University of Würzburg