Deutsch Intern
  • Human sceleton (computed tomographic display)
Intelligent MR-Diagnostics of the Liver by Linking Model and Data-driven Processes



Prof. Dr. Herbert Köstler und Priv.-Doz. Dr. Tobias Wech (UKW)


Creation of an infrastructure and database for test and training data for the entire joint project.
Implementation of new MR pulse sequences for the acquisition of subsampled data records.
Adaptation and optimization of model-based reconstruction algorithms to T2-weighted liver imaging.
Validation of purely model- and data-based techniques with regard to diagnostic relevance, in order to link them optimally.
Validation and evaluation of all methods developed within the group.


Prof. Dr. Bernadette Hahn (Universität Stuttgart)


Systematic linking of model- and data-driven procedures for accelerated image reconstruction.
Development of dynamic reconstruction algorithms.
Combination of data-driven image reconstruction and image processing to enable direct classification on raw data (data-driven feature reconstruction).


Prof. Dr. Andreas Maier (FAU)


Detection and evaluation of liver lesions by image analysis, supported by automatic, deep learning based procedures. Analysis of reconstructed MR images to determine characteristics of the lesions (e.g. contrast agent dynamics, visual appearance) Combination with methods of image reconstruction from B to enable direct classification on raw data.


Prof. Dr. Alfio Borzì (JMU)


Development and validation of fast multilevel and multi-scale CNN algorithms for lesion detection, classification, image reconstruction and segmentation.