Greiner Richard, Dr.
Dr. Richard Greiner
Institute of Mathematics
Emil-Fischer-Straße 40
40 (Mathematik Ost)
+49 931 31-85029

- Management of the Institute of Mathematics
- Coordination of early study and uni day
Summer semester 2024
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2023/2024
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2023
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2022/2023
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics (together with Frank Werner)
Summer semester 2022
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2021/2022
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2021
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture with integrated exercise "arguing and writing in mathematics" (propaedeutic)
Winter semester 2020/2021
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics (together with Theresa Lechner)
- Lecture Mathematical Basics for STEM Studies (together with Jens Jordan, Stephan Elsenhans, Sergey Dashkovskiy, Gunther Dirr, Anja Schlömerkemper)
Summer semester 2020
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture with integrated exercise "arguing and writing in mathematics" (propaedeutic)
Winter semester 2019/2020
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics (together with Theresa Lechner)
Summer semester 2019
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture with integrated exercise "arguing and writing in mathematics" (propaedeutic)
Wintersemester 2018/2019
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture of Computer Oriented Mathematics (together with Robert Hartmann)
Summer semester 2018
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2017/2018
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2014/2015
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2014
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2013/2014
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summersemester 2013
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2012/2013
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2012
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Winter semester 2011/2012
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2011
- Lecture Mathematics II for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics (together with Christian Zillober)
Winter semester 2010/2011
- Lecture Mathematics I for students of Physics or Engineering with exercises
Summer semester 2010
- Lecture propaedeutic Mathematics with integrated exercises
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics with exercises
Winter semester 2009/2010
- Lecture propaedeutic Mathematics with integrated exercises
Summer semester 2009
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics with exercises
Summer semester 2008
- Lecture Computer Oriented Mathematics with exercises
Summer semester 2007
- Lecture Mathematics II for Physics with exercises
Winter semester 2006/2007
- Lecture Mathematics I for Physics with exercises
- Lecture Analysis II for Computer Science with exercises
Summer semester 2006
- Lecture Analysis I for Computer Science with exercises
Winter semester 2005/2006
- Lecture Analysis II for Computer Science with exercises
- Exercises for Linear Algebra I
Summer semester 2005
- Lecture Analysis I for Computer Science with exercises
- Intro Seminar Iteration
Winter semester 2004/2005
- Lecture Analysis II for Computer Science with exercises
- Exercises on Function Theory I
Summer semester 2004
- Lecture Analysis I for Computer Science with exercises
Winter semester 2003/04
- Exercises and tutorials for Linear Algebra I
Summer semester 2003
- Exercises and Tutorials for Analysis II
- Exercises for Mathematics for Physics II
- Seminar Function Theory (complex polynomials)
Winter semester 2002/03
- Exercises and tutorials for Analysis I
- Exercises on function theory I
- Exercises for Mathematics for Physics I
Summer semester 2002
- Exercises for Analysis II
- Exercises on Function Theory II
Winter semester 2001/02
- Exercises for Analysis I
- Exercises on Function Theory I
Summer semester 2001
- Exercises for Analysis IV
- Proseminar Analysis (discrete dynamic systems)
- Seminar Function Theory (harmonic functions in Rn)
Winter semester 2000/01
- Exercises for Analysis III
- Seminar Function Theory (hyperbolic metrics)
Summer semester 2000
- Exercises and Tutorials for Analysis II
Winter semester 1999/2000
- Exercises on Function Theory I
- Seminar Analysis (Wavelets)
- Seminar Function Theory (numerical compliant mappings)
Summer semester 1999
- Exercises on Function Theory II
- Proseminar Analysis (Wavelets)
CMS project
- Project objective: introduction of the new campus management WueStudy at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
- Project website: CMS Project
- Duration: from 16.06.2010 until 31.07.2019 (including pre-project)
JIM helps you!
- Project objective: the Julius Maximilians University intensifies its MINT care
- Project website: JIM helps you
- Duration: from October 2012 until September 2015
- Teilprojekt innerhalb des Projekts Successful MINT degree at Bavarian Universities of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Culture, Science and the Arts and the Association of Bavarian Business (vbw)
Uni day
- Project objective: study orientation for particularly talented and motivated students of the North Bavarian schools (Gymnasien).
- Project website: Unitag
- Duration: since March 2011
- Joint project of the JMU Würzburg and the Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Culture, Science and Art
Early study
- Project objective: Subject-specific support for particularly gifted and motivated 10 years old students of the North Bavarian schools (Gymnasien).
- Project website: early study
- Duration: since September 2004
- Necessary conditions for Schur-stability of interval polynomials,
IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 49 no.5 (2004), 740-744. - On the radius of convexity of linear combinations of univalent functions and their derivatives,
(mit O. Roth)
Math. Nachr. 254-255 (2003), 153-164. - On support points of univalent functions and a disproof of a conjecture of Bombieri,
(mit O. Roth)
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 129 no.12 (2001), 3657-3664. - A coefficient problem for univalent functions related to two-point distortion theorems,
(mit O. Roth)
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 31 no.1 (2001), 261-283. - Disproof of a conjecture on univalent functions,
(mit D. Bshouty and St. Ruscheweyh)
Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sect. A 53 no.1 (1999), 3-8. - Generalized Jackson kernels in approximation theory,
Proceedings of the CMFT'97 in Nicosia, Cyprus (1997), Computational Methods and Function Theory 1997, N. Papamichael, St. Ruscheweyh, E. Saff (eds.), World Scientific, 1999, 259-266. - Von der dualen zur konvexen Hülle,
Doctoral Thesis, Würzburg, 1998; Tectum Verlag, Marburg, 1998, ISBN 3-8288-0512-4. - On a theorem of Andrievskii and Ruscheweyh,
Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (1996), Israel Math. Conf. Proc, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat Gan, 1997, 83-90. - On the approximation of univalent functions by subordinate polynomials in the unit disk,
(mit St. Ruscheweyh)
in: Approximation and Computation: a Festschrift in honor of Walter Gautschi, R. V. M. Zahar (ed.), Birkhäuser, ISNM V.119, 1994, 261-271. - Zur Güe der Approximation schlichter Abbildungen durch maximal subordinierende Polynomfolgen,
Diploma thesis, Würzburg, 1993.
Publications (outside of mathematics)
- Schulzeitverkürzung und Begabtenförderung: Wie unterscheiden sich Würzburger Frühstudierende im acht- (G8) und neunjährigen (G9) Gymnasium?
(with S. Schmiedeler, L. Fleischmann, T. Richter, W. Schneider),
in: Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung, ZeHf, JG 5 Heft 1/2021 - Erfolgsdeterminanten des Frühstudiums,
(with E. Stumpf, W. Schneider),
in: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, IHF, 1.2011
Ongoing committee memberships
- Presidential commission for quality in studies and teaching (PfQ), JMU Würzburg, since July 2013
- Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (permanent guest), JMU Würzburg, since October 2015
- Rounde table course development, JMU Würzburg, since January 2013
- Study Commission Mathematics, JMU Würzburg, since July 2014
Former committee memberships
- Commission for studies and teaching, JMU Würzburg, 2009-2013
- Commission for Affairs of the University Library and the Center for Languages and Media Didactics, JMU Würzburg, 2007-2009
- Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, JMU Würzburg, October 2002 to September 2006, October 2009 to September 2015
- Representation of the Institute of Mathematics of the JMU Würzburg at the Conference of the Mathematical Departments (KMathF)
- Country round of the Bayern 61st Mathematics Olympiad (online Feb 24-25, 2022 and Mar 5, 2022)
- Country round of the Bayern 60th Mathematics Olympiad (online Feb 25-26, 2021 and Mar 6, 2021)
- Country round of the Bayern 58th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 22-24, 2019)
- Federal round of the 57th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Jun 13-16, 2018)
- Country round of the Bayern 56th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 24-26, 2017)
- Country round of the Bayern 54th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 20-22, 2015)
- Country round of the Bayern 52nd Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 22-24, 2013)
- Country round of the Bayern 51st Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 24-26, 2012)
- Country round of the Bayern 50th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 26, 2011)
- Country round of the Bayern 49th Mathematics Olympiad (Würzburg Feb 26-28, 2010)