Hartmann Robert, Dr.
Dr. Robert Hartmann
Office hours:
Tu-Th 9:00 - 17:00

Robert Hartmann: Endo-monomial modules over p-groups and their classification in the abelian case. J. Algebra 274 (2004), no. 2, 564–586.
Robert Hartmann: Mackey functors and functorial extensions. J. Algebra 289 (2005), no. 1, 1–19.
Robert Hartmann, Rowena Paget: Young modules and filtration multiplicities for Brauer algebras. Math. Z. 254 (2006), no. 2, 333–357.
Robert Hartmann, Ergün Yalçın: Generalized Burnside rings and group cohomology. J. Algebra 310 (2007), no. 2, 917–944.
Robert Hartmann, Anne Henke, Steffen König, Rowena Paget: Cohomological stratification of diagram algebras. Math. Ann. 347 (2010), no. 4, 765–804.
Robert Boltje, Robert Hartmann: Permutation resolutions for Specht modules. J. Algebraic Combin. 34 (2011), no. 1, 141–162.
Robert Hartmann: Mackey decomposition and permutation homomorphisms for Brauer algebras. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (2013), no. 5, 838–842.
Diploma Thesis
Funktorielle Erweiterungen invarianter Darstellungen normaler Hallgruppen
Universität Augsburg (1998)
Ph.D. Thesis
Endo-permutation and Endo-monomial Modules
University of California Santa Cruz (2002), ISBN: 978-0493-73260-2
- Max Oelschlegel: Die Mathematikk hinter dem Einsteigen in ein Flugzeug: Young-Tableaux, Knuth-Äquivalenz und die RSK-Korrespondenz (2017)
- Katharina Beck: Platonische Körper - Die Besonderheiten ihrer Symmetrien (2017)
- Marcel Balling: Erzeugende Funktionen (2018)
- Alexander Kiel: Matrix-Potenzreihenfuntionen (2020)
- Riza Günaydin: Einführung in die Kryptoanalyse und ein Einblick in die moderne Kryptologie (2022)
Summer semester 2022
Lecture Analysis in several variables (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2021/22
Lecture Analysis in one variable (for Teaching Degree)
Summer semester 2021
Lecture Analysis in several variables (for Teaching Degree)
Review course Analysis (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2020/21
Lecture Analytic Geometry (for Teaching Degree)
Summer semester 2020
Preparation Course Basic Notions and Proof Methods in Mathematics (with J. Jordan)
Lecture Analysis in several variables (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2019/20
Lecture Analysis in one variable (for Teaching Degree)
Summer semester 2019
Preparation Course Basic Notions and Proof Methods in Mathematics
Winter semester 2018/19
Lecture Elementary Number Theory (for Teaching Degree)
Lecture Computer based Mathematics (with R. Greiner)
Summer semester 2018
Lecture Analysis in several variables (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2017/18
Lecture Analysis in one variable (for Teaching Degree)
Lecture Computer based Mathematics
Summer semester 2017
Review course Analysis (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2016/17
Lecture Computer based Mathematics
Summer semester 2016
Lecture Analysis in several variables (for Teaching Degree)
Winter semester 2015/16
Lecture Analysis in one variable (for Teaching Degree)
- Degree programme cordination Mathematics
- Quality representative of the Institute for Mathematics
- Lecture and seminar room administration and teaching scheduling for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Member of the degree programme committee Mathematics
- Representative of the Institute for Mathematics at the Round table for study programme development