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Mathematical Logic


Current Teaching: Summer Term 2024

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Anton Freund

Research in Groups - Mathematical Logic and Discrete Mathematics (2+2 in the Master program)

This course is designed in such a way that it requires no prerequisites from logic. Our aim will be a concrete example for Gödel's incompleteness theorem: we want to show that Kruskal's theorem from graph theory can only be proved when relatively strong axioms are available as assumptions. The course is expected to take place in English. Further information is available on WueStudy.

Fri 14-16


Dates to be announced ("Blockseminar")

Future Teaching

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Anton Freund

Introduction to Mathematical Logic (4+2 in the Bachelor program)

Logic investigates what can be proved, computed and defined in different settings. In the lecture, we will make these notions precise, prove Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and consider selected applications. The lecture takes place in German, but English course notes are available. Please feel free to contact me via email to I am very happy about your interest!

Mon 10-12 HS 4 and Tue 12-14 S0.103

Exercises for Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Fri 14-16 SE 10


Dozent: Prof. Dr. Anton Freund

Elementary Number Theory (teacher training Grund-, Mittel- and Realschule)

Information about this course (in German) will soon be available via WueStudy.

4 St., Mo 8-10, Mi 10-12 S0.108

Exercises for Number Theory

in Groups, Thu 12-14 S0.103, 14-16 S1.101, 16-18 S0.101

Past Teaching

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Anton Freund

Introduction to Mathematical Logic (4+2 in the Bachelor program)

Logic investigates what can be proved, computed and defined in different settings. In the lecture, we will make these notions precise, prove Gödel's incompleteness theorems, and consider selected applications. The lecture takes place in German, but English course notes are available. When you register via WueStudy, you also gain access to the WueCampus course with further information. Please feel free to contact me via email to I am very happy about your interest!

Mon 10-12 HS 2 and Fri 10-12 HS 4

Exercises for Introduction to Mathematical Logic

in Groups, Tue 12-14, 16-18 S0.107