Deutsch Intern
  • Sign Campus Hubland Nord
Optimal Control


Hand writing an application portfolio

An der Professur Optimale Steuerung (Institut für Mathematik) der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg ist eine Stelle im Wissenschaftlichen Dienst in Teilzeit (50%) befristet für zunächst drei Jahre zu besetzen, eine Verlängerung ist möglich. Die Vergütung richtet sich nach dem TV-L.

Filling in forms

Examinations in mathematics should be successful even under the current restrictions. The JMU's safety concept is supplemented for written exams and individual oral examinations in modules for which mathematics is responsible.

Neue Uni Sanderring with Virus Stopp sign

For the protection of staff and students, public access to the Institute of Mathematics is restricted. Use e-mail, telephone and letter post whenever possible. Arrange unavoidable appointments in advance by telephone or e-mail.

Group picture of speakers and participants of the Fall School 2019

Thank you to all speakers for their presentations, their time, and efforts to make this school successful and interesting (and sometimes very entertaining)!
