Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Summer Semester 2006

Roger W. Barnard (Texas Technical University, Department of Mathematics) is an internationally renowned specialist in mathematical analysis, with a particular emphasis on geometrical complex analysis, who has a broad international experience in both teaching and research. He is the author of more than 50 research papers and has been awarded SIAM Graduate Professor of the Year in 2001, Excellence Professor for Teaching in 2002, and KMU Professor of the Year in 2004.
Roger Barnard has studied mathematics at Kent State University (M.A.) and at the University of Maryland (Ph.D.), and has held various positions at the University of Kentucky, Texas Tech University, Indiana University, and the University of California at San Diego. He has held numerous visiting professor positions in several countries, including a research stay in W?zburg in 1993.
During the summer term 2006, Professor Barnard will give a regular course (with exercises) on Special Functions of Mathematical Physics which addresses to students of mathematics and physics at their basic or main study stage, as well as a more specialized seminar on Selected Topics of Complex Analysis (see All classes will be taught in English.