Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Summer Semester 2018

Prof. Dr. Šárka Nečasová is visiting us from the Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep. in Prague. There she is the head of the department of evolution differential equations.
She obtained her PhD from Prof. J. Neustupa and Prof. K. Kozel from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague. The research topic of her PhD were theoretical and numerical questions of compressible fluid equations. This set the stage for her further work. She has worked on questions of existence, uniqueness and dependance on initial data for many aspects compressible Navier-Stokes type equations. The applications of her models are wide-ranging, from biomedicine (e.g. blood flow), astrophysics, and environmental sciences (oceanography, meteorology). She has worked with the most distinguished research in her subject. She is highly regarded in her field.
As a Prodi Professor she will teach a course on the mathematical theory of compressible flow and guide a student seminar on fluid-structure interaction. (See