Summer Semester 2023
Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Summer Semester 2023

Alcides Buss (associate professor of Mathematics since 2009 in the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis - Brazil) is working on Operator Algebras (C*-algebras) and their inter-relation with other subjects, like Groupoids, Inverse semigroups, Dynamical Systems and Quantum Groups.
His main interests are in the study of crossed products associated to several sorts of C*-dynamical systems coming from actions of groups or groupoids and inverse semigroups on C*-algebras. Currently he is also interested in the theory of deformation of C*-algebras. He has published around 35 papers in these fields and has been an invited speaker to many conferences and workshops devoted to these subjects.
Alcides Buss received his PhD from the University of Münster (WWU - Germany) in 2007 and still has active research collaborations with people in Germany (mainly in Münster and in Göttingen) where he returns frequently for research visits.
During the summer term 2023, Prof. Buss will give a course on “An introduction to Operator Algebras via Groupoids and Inverse Semigroups” (with exercises). (See WueStudy)