Summer Semester 2024
Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Summer Semester 2024

Bianca Stroffolini is an Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis at the University fo Naples Federico II from 2000.
She works on partial differential equations which are often motivated from material science, one example being harmonic maps between manifolds and various generalizations thereof. In particular, Prof. Stroffolini is interested in regularity theory of such equations/systems. The techniques are usually a combination of calculus of variations and functional analysis which also have applications in geometric segmentation and image reconstruction.
The themes mentioned above from one side fall into the research area of Prof. Schlömerkemper and Dr. De Anna, from the other complement it in terms of regularity aspects.
Beginning from October 2015, she has visited the Oxford Centre for Nonlinear PDEs and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in PDEs. Since then, she started a scientific collaboration with people of the research group of Sir John Ball.
Bianca Stroffolini has fruitfully applied these ideas to write proposals that have been funded such as two ICMS research in pairs, two research proposals. She is confident that the period spent in Würzburg could be again the occasion to exchange ideas and building new collaborations.
In the summer semester 2024 Bianca Stroffolini will teach the course 'Calculus of Variations (Giovanni Prodi Lecture)' (lecture with exercises). (See Wuestudy)