Giovanni Prodi Visiting Professorship Winter Semester 2015/2016

Gabriella Puppo, from the Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia of the Università Insubria in Como, Italy, is a leading numerical analyst.
Her research field has grown during the years, beginning with numerical methods for hyperbolic problems, to also include numerics for kinetic models, and modeling in non-equilibrium problems. She concentrates on the development of numerical schemes for complex applications, where particular care is taken to preserve properties of the exact solution, down to the discrete level.
She obtained her PhD in 1990 from the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University. She then accepted a position in the Department of Mathematics of the Politecnico of Torino, transferring to the Università dell'Insubria in 2012. Of her many scientific cooperations we shall mention these from the past two years: she has visited our Würzburg Institut für Mathematik in 2014, and has been visiting professor at the University of Bordeaux and Nice. She has many research papers published in the best scientific Journals of the field.
During the winter semester 2015/16 Professor Puppo will give a course titled "Introduction to hyperbolic equations and their numerical integration" (see The lectures will be in English, the accompanying exercise sessions will be taught in German with the help of Wasilij Barsukov. Necessary prerequisites for the class are basic bachelor level courses in analysis, and if possible some experience in basic programming.