Deutsch Intern
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Institute of Mathematics

Becoming Hiwi

If you are a math student in a higher semester of undergraduate studies or in a teacher training program or in a master's degree program, you could be interested in a job as academic assistant at the institute. As assisten you should

  • correct exercise sheets
  • holding tutorials
  • working in the JIM program

and have successfully completed the appropriate modules themselves. This task requires to

  • not only understand the math but also explain it well,
  • not only perform mathematical arguments, but also comment on their correctness or gaps and challanges.

The Institute of Mathematics is looking for student assistants to supervise the lectures and exercises in the summer semester 2025.

  • Tasks: Usually correction of exercise sheets, in some cases holding exercise groups or tutorials.
  • Prerequisite: You have passed the exam for the module for which you want to work as an assistant.
  • Application: Until January 26, 2025 (latecomer deadline) using the online application form. Applications received after this date will be considered if auxiliary staff are still required.
  • Selection by the Mathematics teaching coordinator Dr. Jens Jordan or the Mathematics Didactics teaching coordinator Dr. Wolfgang Weigel.
  • Scope of employment: usually 40 h/month with a contract duration of 3.5 months.

For all assistants correcting for the first time in mathematics, a corrector training is compulsory. For all assistants, who hold a tutorial for the first time in mathematics, a tutor training is obligatory.

  • Application via the online application form. Beforehand, please read the general conditions for student trainee contracts below.

The new collective agreement for the public sector valid from 01-Apr-2024 requires an adjustment of the contract models for HiWi contracts at the Institute of Mathematics. The collective agreement also brings new framework conditions for Hiwi contracts that you must observe.

We prefer to offer 1-year contracts starting on October 1 or April 1. These show an average monthly working time. However, the actual working hours are almost entirely performed during the lecture period of the two semesters in the contract period and the following two weeks for the examinations and their corrector, ideally on 1-2 days per lecture week. Such 1-year contracts can be extended within the contract period or combined with other contracts (preliminary course, projects, etc.). Such contracts can also be terminated prematurely for good cause (e.g. premature termination of studies, circumstances unforeseeable at the start of the contract). After such a contract termination, however, a new HiWi contract can only be concluded at JMU in the semester after the original contract period (both in mathematics and elsewhere), so a contract termination after one semester prevents another HiWi contract in the following semester.

Alternatively, on special request, we offer 4-month contracts starting on October 1 or April 1, in which the actual working hours are completed in one semester, similar to the 1-year contracts. With these 4-month contracts, however, no further HiWi contract can be concluded at JMU within the semester (neither in mathematics nor elsewhere).

We cannot offer any number of 4-month contracts, but have to offer predominantly 1-year contracts. This will be taken into account when awarding HiWi contracts to applicants in addition to their professional qualifications.

  • next corrector training (one day): Thu 10-Apr-2025, 14:15-14:45, SE40 (Mathematik Ost)
  • next tutors training (two days): Wed 02-Apr-2025, 09:00-14:00 and Thu 03-Apr-2025, 09:00-14:00 S0.103 (BSZ)

The tutors training is a multidisciplinary education and training. The quality and sustainability of the program and the efficient supervision of the tutors and mentors are ensured by high school didactic program coordinators.

The corrector training is mathematical specific. Here the basic principles of a correction of mathematical texts are discussed and practiced.

For whom?

  • Students of the Bachelor's degree programs and students of the teaching progam for Gymnasium can apply for this activity at the end of the semester as a key qualification module or in the outdoor area as a tutor or corrector in mathematics (10-M-TuKo, ungraded, 5 ECTS).

What should I do?

  • You must have completed a corrective training in advance.
  • They must have registered with the teaching co-ordinators by the beginning of the semester at the latest. These point out the appropriate assistants and lecturers that you want to attend this module.
  • You must register for this module in WueStudy.
  • At the end of the semester, the lecturers and assistants are interviewed by the teaching coordinator about their work. If these agree, the module is passed.


  • You are not entitled to the "Corrector activity" module.
  • Students who wish to attend this module must have been recruited by the teaching co-ordinator (on the basis of their preliminary work or on suggestion or with the agreement of the respective lecturer / assistant).

For whom?

  • Students of the Master Degree Program in Mathematics, who are employed as tutors or tutors for lectures and exercises in mathematics, can do this activity at most twice as a module Learning by Teaching Mathematics 1 or 2 (Module 10-M=ELT1 resp. 10-M=ELT2, not graded, 5 ECTS points).
  • Students of the Master Degree Program in Computational Mathematics or Mathematical Physics, who are assigned as tutors or tutors for lectures and mathematical exercises, can be credited as a module Learning by Teaching 1 (module 10-M=ELT1, not graded, 5 ECTS-points) ,

What should I do?

  • Notify the course co-ordinator by the beginning of the semester at the latest that you intend to have your activity credited as a tutor. The teaching coordinator reminds the lecturers that you want to take this module and that you have to evaluate it at the end of the semester. At the end of the semester, the lecturers or assistants are asked by the teaching coordinator to evaluate their activity.
  • You must register for this module in WueStudy.


  • You are not entitled to the module Learning by Teaching.
  • Students wishing to have this module credited must have been recruited by the teaching co-ordinator (on the basis of their preliminary work or on suggestion or with the agreement of the respective lecturer / assistant or assistant / assistant) to such a tutor activity.