Deutsch Intern
  • none
Institute of Mathematics

Student Comments

The report of some of our graduates: below as a short statement, in detail in our info booklet of Mathematics in Würzburg (pages 51-52).

Consultant at a consulting firm

Lukas B.:
I liked my internship during my bachelor's degree in business mathematics at a consulting firm so much that I started working there as a consultant right away.


Teacher of Mathematics and Physical Education at German Gymnasium

Magdalena M.:
I had doubts at the beginning of my studies, but then I found two fellow students. That's when the knot burst for me. Now, no student question will embarrass me that quickly.


Apprentice Trainee at elementary school

Margaretha G.:
I am happy every time I am allowed to take over a math lesson, because I realize that I feel competent in this subject both professionally and didactically due to my studies.