Deutsch Intern
Würzburg Mathematics Center for Collaboration and Interaction

About #Fellows

The focus the #Fellows program is to bring together small groups of researchers to carry out joint research in a stimulating atmosphere.

Projects from all areas of mathematics can be supported, projects in harmonic analysis or analysis in  wide sense are especially welcome. In case of trans-mathematical interdisciplinary research, the mathematical part has to play a prominent role, using advanced methods and connected with essential problems in mathematical research.

The WMCCI will provide office space and take care of accommodation. The programs offer undisturbed working conditions with an excellent infrastructure.

The WMCCI wishes to increase in particular the number of female participants. Female mathematicians are strongly encouraged to apply. Please contact us for possible support of young families  or if you have special needs.

Who can apply?

Fellow groups

  • Groups of 2-4 junior or senior researchers.
  • Groups of 1-3 junior or senior researchers who want to collaborate with a member of the Institute of Mathematics at JMU
  • The research group should have geographical diversity (not all researchers should come from the same place).
  • The possible length of the common research stay is one to four weeks.

Fellow tandems

  • One junior or senior researcher who wants to collaborate with a member of the Institute of Mathematics at JMU
  • The possible length of the common research stay is four to twelve weeks.

How to apply?

Applicants should submit (in English)

  • a short description of the joint research project (1-5 pages),
  • curriculum vitae including a list of (most important) publications (1-5 pages) for each member of the research group.

Please send your application in electronic form (pdf files) to