  • Schild Mathematik Ost
Mathematische Strömungsmechanik

Oberseminar Mathematische Strömungsmechanik: Tianwen Luo, Some results on non-uniqueness of admissible weak solutions to the compressible Euler equations

Datum: 20.07.2020, 09:15 - 09:45 Uhr
Kategorie: Seminar, Veranstaltung
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 40, 03.003
Vortragende: Tianwen Luo

We will present our joint work with Chunjing Xie and Prof. Zhouping Xin on the non-uniqueness of admissible weak solutions to the multi-diemensional compressible Euler equations. We will also review some recent progress on the field.

via Zoom video conference (request the Zoom link from
