  • Schild Mathematik Ost
Mathematische Strömungsmechanik

Seminarreihe "structure preserving numerical methods for hyperbolic equations" im Oberseminar Mathematische Strömungsmechanik: Praveen Chandrashekar

Datum: 12.02.2021, 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Kategorie: Seminar, Veranstaltung
Vortragende: Praveen Chandrashekar

This talk is part of the seminar series "structure preserving numerical methods for hyperbolic equations", click here for more details 


We discuss an approach for constructing DG methods for hyperbolic problems which automatically ensures
the divergence-free condition. The approximation is based on the use of Raviart-Thomas polynomial spaces for
approximating vector fields. The methods require multi-dimensional Riemann solvers to ensure the divergencefree
property. We will discuss HLL-type multi-dimensional Riemann solvers to estimate the electric field at
vertices which are consistent with the 1-D Riemann solvers. When limiters are used, the divergence-free property
may be lost and it is recovered by a divergence-free reconstruction step. We show the performance of the
method on a range of test cases up to fourth order of accuracy.

via Zoom video conference (request the Zoom link from
