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Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen


Dienstags, 13:00 Uhr s.t.
Raum 30.02.003 (Mathe West)

Nähere Informationen siehe Ankündigungen.

12.07.24 Theoretische und Numerische Untersuchungen eines Krankheitsmodells mit mehreren Tierarten Prof. Dr. Kurt Chudej Forschungszentrum MODUS, Univ. Bayreuth
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen, Univ. Bayreuth
27.06.24 An optimal control problem governed by the Wigner equation: transport of single atoms in optical tweezers Dr. Sara Nicoletti Università degli Studi di Firenze UNIFI
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica ’Ulisse Dini’ (DIMAI)


Praktikum bei der Deutschen Bundesbank (Praktikumsbericht) Simon Schwab Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
19.06.24 Recent Developments in Numerical Linear
Algebra for PDE-Constrained Optimization
Dr. John Pearson The University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics, UK
13.06.24 Nonlinear Peridynamic Models Prof. Giuseppe Maria Coclite DMMM-Politecnico di Bari


Ein Einblick in die Welt der Lebensversicherungen (Praktikumsbericht) Dominik Jilg Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
17.05.24 Deep smoothness WENO scheme for two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws: A deep learning approach for learning smoothness indicators Prof. Matthias Ehrhardt Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät 4 - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Applied and Computational Mathematics
07.02.24 L1-control cost and the finite–time turnpike property Prof. Martin Gugat

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Department Mathematik, Lehrstuhl für Dynamics, Control, Machine Learning and Numerics

2023:     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
6.12.23 Controlling a generalized Fokker-Planck equation via inputs with nonlocal action Dr. Stefana Anita Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch

24.07.23 (online)

Exponential integrators for two classes of differential matrix equations Hao Chen School of Mathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal University CN


On some iterative algorithms arising in
metric fixed point Theory
Prof. Vittorio Colao Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica
03.07.23 Theory of Function Spaces: On Classical Tools for Modern Spaces Dr. Markus Weimar Universität Würzburg, Institut für Mathematik
19.06.23 Adaptive minimax optimality in statistical inverse problems Dr. Housen Li Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Optimization and Machine learning in action for data center automation, single cell analysis and glioblastoma research Dr. Tim Breitenbach Computational Scientist & Resource Optimization Researcher at SAP
14.02.23 Optimal and Bayesian regularized hypothesis
testing in statistical inverse problems
Dr. Remo Kretschmann Universität Würzburg, Institut für Mathematik
1015 Uhr
Nonlocal Optimal Control for a Nonlinear
Fokker-Planck Equation
Dr. Stefana Anita Octav Mayer Institute of Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
07.10.22 Modeling domain uncertainty using periodic random variables with application to elliptic PDEs Dr. Vesa Kaarnioja Freie Universität Berlin, FB Mathematik & Informatik
15.07.22 A Preconditioner for Least Squares Problems with Application to Neural Network Training Nadja Vater Universität Würzburg, Institut für Mathematik
15.07.22 An optimal control based supervised learning algorithm for training Runge-Kutta structured neural networks Sebastian Hofmann Universität Würzburg, Institut für Mathematik
01.07.22 Modelling, simulation and optimisation of power plants based on renewable energies Prof. Dr. Ingenuin Gasser Universität Hamburg, Department of Mathematics
28.10.21 Automated image restoration and segmentation using Mumford-Shah-like regularization and topological asymptotic expansion Dr. Monika Muszkieta Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Pure and Applied Mathematics
27.09.21 Numerical stability analysis for the Einstein-Vlasov system Sebastian Günther Mathematisches Institut, Universität Bayreuth
21.07.21 Direct Stellarator coil optimisation under uncertainty Florian Wechsung Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University
14.07.21 Optimal control of PDEs under uncertainty with joint chance state constraints Prof. Georg Stadler Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University
07.07.21 Time-dependence as modelling inexactness in inverse problems: regularization and application in dynamic imaging Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anne Wald Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Modeling vaccine hesitancy using a behavioral epidemiology approach

Prof. Bruno Buonomo University of Naples Federico II

Minimax detection of frame-based signals in statistical inverse problems

Markus Pohlmann Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
09.06.21 A short introduction to Tikhonov regularization for ill-posed problems Dr. Daniel Gerth TU Chemnitz
26.05.21 Inverse problems under unknown random noise Tim Jahn Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
2020:     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
20.01.20 Stochastic Modelling of Forecast Errors in Numerical Weather Prediction Dr. Martin Sprengel
23.5.19 Thermal Schrödinger Equation: Efficient Tool for Simulation of Many-Body Quantum Dynamics at Finite Temperature Dr. Maxim F. Gelin
25.01.19 A fast subspace optimization technique for nonlinear inverse problems and applications Dr. Anne Wald
22.01.19 Image reconstruction in Compton scattering imaging Dr. Gaël Rigaud
12.10.18 On smoothers for the multigrid of the second kind Dr. Adem Kaya
28.05.18 Games to solve Joint Data Completion and Obstacle Detection in Stokes Problems Prof. Dr. Abderrahmane Habbal
05.03.18 A multigrid optimization algorithm for the numerical solution of quasilinear variational inequalities involving the p-Laplacian Sofía López
08.02.18 Stabilization of Hydrodynamics Equations by feedback control:
the main concepts and ideas; history and perspectives
Prof. Dr. Andrey V. Fursikov
2017     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
20.11.17 Model-based magnetic particle imaging Dr. Tobias Kluth
26.06.17 Loss of regularity in hyperbolic Cauchy problems Prof. Dr. Francesco Fanelli
12.06.17 Eine affin covariante Composite-Step Methode zur PDE-Optimierung Prof. Dr. Anton Schiela
27.04.17 Modeling avoidance dynamics by FP-constrained Nash games Prof. Dr. Abderrahmane Habbal
05.04.17 A Support Theorem for Integral Moments of a Symmetric m-Tensor Field Rohit Kumar Mishra
28.11.16 Schnelle und robuste Lösung von FE-Systemen unter Verwendung hierarchischer Matrizen Prof. Dr. Mario Bebendorf
14.11.16 Control methods for the optimization of plasma scenarios in a tokamak Dr. Holger Heumann
08.06.16 Optimale Steuerung in den Lebenswissenschaften Prof. Dr. Kurt Chudej
23.03.16 Model risk and robustness of quadratic hedging strategies Prof. Dr. Michèle Vanmaele
01.02.16 Rational functions and finite permutation groups Prof. Dr. Peter Müller
25.01.16 Optimal control of patterns in some reaction-diffusion systems Christopher Ryll
2015:     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
14.12.15 Integral equations based methods for the numerical solution of some boundary inverse problems Prof. Dr. Roman Chapko
23.11.15 Quantum filtering and its stability problem Dr. Nina Amini
17.06.15 Towards the optimal control of TDDFT models Martin Sprengel
20.05.15 Proximal methods for solving elliptic non-smooth optimal control problems Andreas Schindele
06.05.15 An lp-Tikhonov regularization scheme for a linear inverse source problem Christian Schmiedecke
24.04.15 Foundations of Option Pricing and Model Calibration with Empirical Option Prices Prof. Dr. Hanno Gottschalk
23.03.15 Parabolic Equation of normal type connected with 3D Helmholtz system Prof. Dr. Andrey V. Fursikov
04.02.15 Opinion Dynamics Under The Influence Of Radical Groups, Charismatic Leaders And Other Constant Signals – A Simple Unifying Model Prof. Dr. Rainer Hegselmann
04.02.15 Optimal control of opinion dynamics Dr. Sascha Kurz
03.12.14 Computational Fluid Dynamics in der Verfahrenstechnik Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helge Möbus
22.07.14 Optimal control of the wine fermentation process Juri Merger
07.07.14 Modelling and control through a leadership of a refined flocking system Suttida Wongkaew
24.06.14 Analysis of discretization schemes for Fokker-Planck equations and related optimality systems Masoumeh Mohammadi
17.06.14 Newton methods for optimal control of closed quantum spin systems Gabriele Ciaramella
17.06.14 An Optimal feedback control for undamped wave equations by solving a HJB equation Dr. Axel Kröner
03.06.14 An operator splitting method for solving a class of Fokker-Planck equations Beatrice Gaviraghi
27.05.14 An Efficient Signal Reconstruction Algorithm using Sparsity and Total Variation Andreas Schindele
20.05.14 A FE based Multigrid scheme for elliptic Nash-equilibrium optimal control problems Mohammad Tanvir Rahman
2013:     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
18.10.13 Analyse von Reflexionsspektren der menschlichen Haut in der Rechtsmedizin Dr. Liudmila Belenki
18.09.13 Multiscale Detection of Faint Edges in Noisy Images Dr. Meirav Galun
16.04.13 Parameter Estimation for Forward Kolmogorov Equation with Application to Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina
09.04.13 A PDE constrained optimization approach to the simulation of discrete fracture network flows Prof. Dr. Stefano Berrone
05.04.13 Optimal Reliability in Design for Fatigue Life Prof. Dr. Hanno Gottschalk
11.02.13 Estimating volatility and parameters of stochastic volatility models Beatrice Gaviraghi
15.01.13 Real-time monitoring of receptor signalling in living cells: from intracellular signalling microdomains to single molecules Dr. Davide Calebiro
23.11.2012 Krümmungsprofil in Schwarz-Weiß-Bildern Andreas Schindele
19.11.2012 Recurrent Neural Networks in System Identification, Forecasting and Control Dr. Hans-Georg Zimmermann
24.07.2012 Second-order sufficient conditions for optimal control of static elastoplasticity with linear kinematic hardening Prof. Dr. Christian Meyer
18.07.2012 Sciospec Scientific Instruments Company Profile Martin Bulst, Sciospec Scientific Instruments
06.07.2012 A Mimetic Discretization of Elliptic Obstacle Problems Dr. Marco Verani
05.06.2012 Parabolic control problems in measure spaces Prof. Dr. Christian Clason
30.05.2012 Antrittsvorlesung "Inverse Probleme" Prof. Dr. Bastian von Harrach
25.05.2012 Control through operators for quantum chemistry Julien Salomon
02.05.2012 Vorwissen-basierte CT-Bildrekonstruktion Dipl.-Phys. Sven Vaegler
09.01.2012 Identifiability of a Conductor by Electromagnetic Measurements Dipl.-Math. Lilian Arnold
18.01.2012 The Hardy Inequality and Spectraltheory Prof. RNDr. Alois Kufner, DrSc.
2011:     nach oben  /   zum Seitenanfang
12.12.2011 Einige Bemerkungen zum p-Laplace-Operator Prof. Dr. Jürgen Appell
05.12.2011 Stabilizing and economic MPC without terminal constraints Prof. Dr. Lars Grüne
23.11.2011 Mathematics for Industrial Design Prof. Dr. Volker Schulz
21.11.2011 Algorithms for optimal transport in dimension 1 Julien Salomon
18.11.2011 Compressed sensing in der dynamischen Magnetresonanztomographie Prof. Dr. Herbert Köstler
14.11.2011 Die Rekonstruktion von Quellverteilungen mit Hilfe der gefensterten Fourier Transformation Dr. Roland Griesmaier
07.11.2011 Exact shape-reconstruction by one-step linearization in electrical impedance tomogoraphy Prof. Dr. Bastian von Harrach
30.06.2011 Numerical solution to the Liouville Master Equation for piecewise deterministic processes Dr. Mario Annunziato
20.05.2011 Preconditioning linear systems in PDE-constrained optimization by parallel aggregation-based multilevel methods Prof. Daniela di Serafino
03.05.2011 A globalized Newton method for the optimal control of multiple interacting fermions Greg von Winckel

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