English Intern
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen

Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (PD Dr. Markus Weimar, JMU Würzburg)

Sobolev spaces with mixed weights and the Poisson equation on angular domains
Datum: 28.01.2025, 13:00 - 14:30 Uhr
Kategorie: Veranstaltung
Ort: Hubland Nord, Geb. 30, 30.02.003
Veranstalter: Lehrstuhl für Mathematik IX (Wissenschaftliches Rechnen)
Vortragende: PD Dr. Markus Weimar


We introduce and analyse a class of weighted Sobolev spaces with mixed weights on angular domains.

The weights are based on both the distance to the boundary and the distance to the one vertex of the domain. Moreover, we show how the regularity of the Poisson equation can be analysed in the framework of these spaces by means of the Mellin transform, provided the integrability parameter equals two. Our main motivation comes from the study of stochastic partial differential equations and associated degenerate deterministic parabolic equations.

The talk is based on a recent joint work [1] with Cornelia Schneider (FAU Erlangen) and Petru A. Cioica-Licht (Uni Kassel).

[1] P.A. Cioica-Licht, C. Schneider and M. Weimar: Sobolev spaces with mixed weights and the Poisson equation on angular domains. Submitted preprint (arXiv:2409.18615), 2024.

Alle Vorträge im Oberseminar Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
