Sommer-SEMESTER 2025
- Vorlesung: Partial differential equations of mathematical physics, Mi., 8:30 - 10:00, Fr. 12:15 - 13:45 im Raum SE 40, Christian Klingenberg
- Übungen: Partial differential equations of mathematical physics, Do., 16:15 - 17:45 im Raum SE 40,
by Daniel Weggenmann
In this class we will cover a range of topics pertaining to an important system of partial differential equations of continuum mechanics, the compressible Euler equations: derivation of the equations, questions of existence and uniqueness and numerical methods.
This course addresses master students of mathematics / mathematical physics / computational mathematics.
The lecture requires knowledge from the courses Analysis 1, 2 and Vertiefung Analysis from the Bachelor studies.
- Seminar angewandte Analysis (Bachelor); Mi. 10:15 - 11:45 im Raum SE 40
Vorbesprechung am Mi., den 23. Apr. um 10:15 Uhr im SE 40
- Seminar angewandte Analysis und numerische Mathematik (Master): Mi. 10:15 - 11:45 im Raum SE 40
Vorbesprechung am Mi., den 23. Apr. um 10:15 Uhr im SE 40
In both seminars
- for each student we will select a topic that takes into account the interest of that person,
- it is possible to choose a topic that may lead to a Bachelor-/Master-thesis.
- Oberseminar mathematische Strömungsmechanik, nach Vereinbarung, siehe hier