Holder of the Professorship Optimal Control
Prof. Dr. Daniel Wachsmuth
Holder of the Professorship
Professorship for Mathematics at Chair of Mathematics VII
Emil-Fischer-Straße 30
30 (Mathematik West)
+49 931 31-89071
+49 931 31-84675

- Since 2012: Professor in Würzburg
- 2008-2012: Postdoc at RICAM, Linz, Österreich
- 2002-2008: Research Assistant, TU Berlin
Spatially sparse optimization problems in fractional order Sobolev spaceshttps://arxiv.org/abs/2402.14417 (2024)
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Non-monotone proximal gradient methods in infinite-dimensional spaces with applications to non-smooth optimal control problems(2023)
Full stability for variational Nash equilibriums of parametric optimal control problems of PDEshttp://arxiv.org/abs/2002.08635 (2020)
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The largest-K-norm for general measure spaces and a DC Reformulation for L^0-Constrained Problems in Function SpacesOptimization Methods and Software (2025)
Optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) constraints: maximum principle and proximal gradient methodComp. Opt. Appl. 87, 811-833 (2024)
A topological derivative-based algorithm to solve optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) control costJ Nonsmooth Anal. Opt. 5, (2024)
Optimal regularized hypothesis testing in statistical inverse problemsInverse problems 40, 015013 (2024)
Control in the coefficients of an elliptic differential operator: topological derivatives and Pontryagin maximum principleMathematical Control & Related Fields (2024)
Sparse optimization problems in fractional order Sobolev spacesInverse problems 39, 044001 (2023)
A Note on Existence of Solutions to Control Problems of Semilinear Partial Differential EquationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 61, 1095-1112 (2023)
A simple proof of the Baillon-Haddad theorem on open subsets of Hilbert spacesJ. Convex Anal. 30, 1319-1328 (2023)
Strong stationarity for optimal control problems with non-smooth integral equation constraints: Application to continuous DNNsAppl. Math. Optim. 88, (2023)
A penalty scheme to solve constrained non-convex optimization problems in BV(Ω)Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 7, 1857–1880 (2022)
Second-order conditions for non-uniformly convex integrands: quadratic growth in L^1J Nonsmooth Anal. Opt. 3, (2022)
A proximal gradient method for control problems with non-smooth and non-convex control costComp. Opt. Appl. 80, 639–677 (2021)
Optimal control of ODEs with state supremaMath. Control Relat. Fields 11, 555-578 (2021)
Subgradients of marginal functions in parametric control problems of partial differential equationsSIAM J. Opt. 30, 1724-1755 (2020)
A Lagrange multiplier method for semilinear elliptic state constrained optimal control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 831-869 (2020)
First and second order conditions for optimal control problems with an L^0 term in the cost functionalSIAM J. Control Optim. 58, 3486–3507 (2020)
Full stability for a class of control problems of semilinear elliptic partial differential equationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 57, 3021-3045 (2019)
The multiplier-penalty method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems in Banach spacesSIAM J. Optim. 29, 767-793 (2019)
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Iterative hard-thresholding applied to optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) control costSIAM J. Control Optim. 57, 854-879 (2019)
An augmented Lagrangian method for optimization problems in Banach spacesSIAM J. Control Optim. 56, 272-291 (2018)
Second-order analysis and numerical approximation for bang-bang bilinear control problemsSIAM J. Control Optim. 56, 4203-4227 (2018)
An augmented Lagrange method for elliptic state constrained optimal control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 69, 857-880 (2018)
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Stability for bang-bang control problems of partial differential equationsOptimization 67, 2157-2177 (2018)
Tikhonov regularization of optimal control problems governed by semi-linear partial differential equationsMathematical Control & Related Fields 8, 315-335 (2017)
Sufficient second-order conditions for bang-bang control problemsSIAM J. Control Optim. 55, 3066-3090 (2017)
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On the switching behavior of sparse optimal controls for the one-dimensional heat equationMathematical Control & Related Fields 8, 135-153 (2017)
Optimal control of a rate-independent evolution equation via viscous regularizationDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 10, 1467-1485 (2017)
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Pontryagin’s principle for optimal control problem governed by 3d Navier-Stokes equationsJ. Optim. Theory Appl. 173, 30-55 (2017)
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Exponential convergence of hp-finite element discretization of optimal boundary control problems with elliptic partial differential equationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 54, 2526-2552 (2016)
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An iterative Bregman regularization method for optimal control problems with inequality constraintsOptimization 65, 2195-2215 (2016)
The regularity of the positive part of functions in L^2(I;H^1(Ω)) ∩ H^1(I;H^1(Ω)^*) with applications to parabolic equationsComment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 57, 327-332 (2016)
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Optimal control of interface problems with hp-finite elementsNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 37, 363-390 (2016)
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Functional error estimators for the adaptive discretization of inverse problemsInverse Problems 32, 104004 (2016)
Newton methods for the optimal control of closed quantum spin systemsSIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37, A319-A346 (2015)
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Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal control problems with distributed observationComp. Opt. Appl. 62, 31-65 (2015)
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An interior point method designed for solving linear quadratic optimal control problems with $hp$ finite elementsOptimization Methods and Software 30, 1276-1302 (2015)
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Optimal control of an oblique derivative problemAnn. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl. 6, 50-73 (2014)
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Robust error estimates for regularization and discretization of bang-bang control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 62, 271-289 (2014)
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Adaptive regularization and discretization of bang-bang optimal control problemsETNA 40, 249-267 (2013)
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On time optimal control of the wave equation, its regularization and optimality systemESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 19, 317-336 (2013)
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On Time Optimal Control of the Wave Equation and its Numerical Realization as Parametric Optimization ProblemSIAM J. Control Optim. 51, 1232-1262 (2013)
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Convergence analysis of smoothing methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalitiesESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 47, 771-787 (2013)
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Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal boundary control problems of elliptic PDEsComp. Opt. Appl. 51, 883-908 (2012)
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Sufficient Optimality Conditions and Semi-Smooth Newton Methods for Optimal Control of Stationary Variational InequalitiesESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 18, 520-547 (2012)
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A-posteriori error estimates for optimal control problems with state and control constraintsNumerische Mathematik 120, 733-762 (2012)
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A-posteriori verification of optimality conditions for control problems with finite-dimensional control spaceNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 33, 473-523 (2012)
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Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functionalESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 17, 858-886 (2011)
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Path-following for Optimal Control of Stationary Variational InequalitiesComp. Opt. Appl. 51, 1345-1373 (2011)
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Semi-smooth Newton’s Method for an optimal control problem with control and mixed control-state constraintsOptimization Methods and Software 26, 169-186 (2011)
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On the regularization of optimization problems with inequality constraintsControl and Cybernetics 4, 1125-1154 (2011)
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Optimal control of planar flow of incompressible non-Newtonian fluidsJ. for Analysis and its Applications 29, 351-376 (2010)
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Optimal Dirichlet boundary control of Navier-Stokes equations with state constraintNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 30, 1309-1338 (2009)
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Sensitivity analysis and the adjoint update strategy for optimal control problems with mixed control-state constraintsComp. Opt. Appl 44, 57-81 (2009)
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Numerical verification of optimality conditionsSIAM J. Control Optim. 47, 2557-2581 (2008)
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Update strategies for perturbed nonsmooth equationsOptimization Methods and Software 23, 321-343 (2008)
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Analysis of the SQP-method for optimal control problems governed by the instationary Navier-Stokes equations based on $L^p$-theorySIAM J. Control Optim. 46, 1133-1153 (2007)
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Sufficient second-order optimality conditions for convex control constraintsJ. Math. Anal. App. 319, 228-247 (2006)
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Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for the optimal control of Navier-Stokes equationsESAIM: COCV 12, 93-119 (2006)
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Regularity of solutions for an optimal control problem with mixed control-state constraintsTOP 14, 263-278 (2006)
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Regularity of the adjoint state for the instationary Navier-Stokes equationsJ. for Analysis and its Applications 24, 103-116 (2005)
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Regularity and Stability of optimal controls of instationary Navier-Stokes equationsControl and Cybernetics 34, 387-410 (2005)
On convergence of a receding horizon method for parabolic boundary controlOptimization Methods and Software 19, 201-216 (2004)
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On instantaneous control for a nonlinear parabolic boundary control problemNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 25, 151-181 (2004)
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A numerical solution approach for non-smooth optimal control problems based on the Pontryagin maximum principleIn: Gallego, R. and Mateos, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization (2024)
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Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian methods in Banach spacesIn: Hintermüller, M., Herzog, R., Kanzow, C., Ulbrich, M., and Ulbrich, S. (eds.) Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems. pp. 241-282. Birkhäuser (2022)
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How not to discretize the controlIn: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. pp. 793-795 (2016)
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Upper and lower bounds on the set of recoverable strains and on effective energies in cubic-to-monoclinic martensitic phase transformationsIn: MATEC Web of Conferences 33 (2015)
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Necessary conditions for convergence rates of regularizations of optimal control problemsIn: Hömberg, D. and Tröltzsch, F. (eds.) System Modelling and Optimization. pp. 145-154. Springer (2013)
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Adaptive methods for control problems with finite-dimensional control spaceIn: Hömberg, D. and Tröltzsch, F. (eds.) System Modelling and Optimization. pp. 59-69. Springer (2013)
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Polynomial integration on regions defined by a triangle and a conicIn: Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC 2010. pp. 163-170. ACM, New York (2010)
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Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift ConfigurationsIn: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control II. pp. 405-419. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2010)
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Numerical Study of the Optimization of Separation ControlIn: Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (2007)
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Numerical solution of optimal control problems with convex control constraintsIn: Ceragioli, F., Dontchev, A., Furuta, H., and Pandolfi, L. (eds.) Systems, Control, Modeling and Optimization. pp. 319-327. Springer (2006)
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Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for the optimal control of instationary Navier-Stokes equationsIn: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. pp. 628-629 (2004)
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Fast closed loop control of the Navier-Stokes systemIn: Bock, H. G., Kostina, E., Phu, H. X., and Rannacher, R. (eds.) Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. pp. 189-202. Springer (2004)
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