Inhaber der Professur für Optimale Steuerung
Prof. Dr. Daniel Wachsmuth
Inhaber der Professur
Professur für Mathematik am Lehrstuhl Mathematik VII
Emil-Fischer-Straße 30
30 (Mathematik West)
+49 931 31-89071
+49 931 31-84675

- Seit 2012: Professor in Würzburg
- 2008-2012: Postdoc am RICAM, Linz, Österreich
- 2002-2008: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, TU Berlin
- optimale Steuerung bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen
- nichtglatte Optimierungsprobleme
- Regularisierung von Problemen mit bang-bang Steuerungen
A globalized inexact semismooth Newton for strongly convex optimal control problems (2025)
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Spatially sparse optimization problems in fractional order Sobolev spaces (2024)
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Non-monotone proximal gradient methods in infinite-dimensional spaces with applications to non-smooth optimal control problems(2023)
Full stability for variational Nash equilibriums of parametric optimal control problems of PDEs (2020)
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The largest-K-norm for general measure spaces and a DC Reformulation for L^0-Constrained Problems in Function SpacesOptimization Methods and Software (2025)
A topological derivative-based algorithm to solve optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) control costJ Nonsmooth Anal. Opt. 5, (2024)
Optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) constraints: maximum principle and proximal gradient methodComp. Opt. Appl. 87, 811–833 (2024)
Optimal regularized hypothesis testing in statistical inverse problemsInverse problems 40, 015013 (2024)
Control in the coefficients of an elliptic differential operator: topological derivatives and Pontryagin maximum principleMathematical Control & Related Fields (2024)
Sparse optimization problems in fractional order Sobolev spacesInverse problems 39, 044001 (2023)
A simple proof of the Baillon-Haddad theorem on open subsets of Hilbert spacesJ. Convex Anal. 30, 1319–1328 (2023)
Strong stationarity for optimal control problems with non-smooth integral equation constraints: Application to continuous DNNsAppl. Math. Optim. 88, (2023)
A Note on Existence of Solutions to Control Problems of Semilinear Partial Differential EquationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 61, 1095–1112 (2023)
A penalty scheme to solve constrained non-convex optimization problems in BV(Ω)Pure Appl. Funct. Anal. 7, 1857–1880 (2022)
Second-order conditions for non-uniformly convex integrands: quadratic growth in L^1J Nonsmooth Anal. Opt. 3, (2022)
Optimal control of ODEs with state supremaMath. Control Relat. Fields 11, 555–578 (2021)
A proximal gradient method for control problems with non-smooth and non-convex control costComp. Opt. Appl. 80, 639–677 (2021)
Subgradients of marginal functions in parametric control problems of partial differential equationsSIAM J. Opt. 30, 1724–1755 (2020)
A Lagrange multiplier method for semilinear elliptic state constrained optimal control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 831–869 (2020)
First and second order conditions for optimal control problems with an L^0 term in the cost functionalSIAM J. Control Optim. 58, 3486–3507 (2020)
Full stability for a class of control problems of semilinear elliptic partial differential equationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 57, 3021–3045 (2019)
The multiplier-penalty method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems in Banach spacesSIAM J. Optim. 29, 767–793 (2019)
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Iterative hard-thresholding applied to optimal control problems with L^0(Ω) control costSIAM J. Control Optim. 57, 854–879 (2019)
Second-order analysis and numerical approximation for bang-bang bilinear control problemsSIAM J. Control Optim. 56, 4203–4227 (2018)
An augmented Lagrangian method for optimization problems in Banach spacesSIAM J. Control Optim. 56, 272–291 (2018)
An augmented Lagrange method for elliptic state constrained optimal control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 69, 857–880 (2018)
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Stability for bang-bang control problems of partial differential equationsOptimization 67, 2157–2177 (2018)
Tikhonov regularization of optimal control problems governed by semi-linear partial differential equationsMathematical Control & Related Fields 8, 315–335 (2017)
Sufficient second-order conditions for bang-bang control problemsSIAM J. Control Optim. 55, 3066–3090 (2017)
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On the switching behavior of sparse optimal controls for the one-dimensional heat equationMathematical Control & Related Fields 8, 135–153 (2017)
Pontryagin’s principle for optimal control problem governed by 3d Navier-Stokes equationsJ. Optim. Theory Appl. 173, 30–55 (2017)
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Optimal control of a rate-independent evolution equation via viscous regularizationDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 10, 1467–1485 (2017)
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An iterative Bregman regularization method for optimal control problems with inequality constraintsOptimization 65, 2195–2215 (2016)
Exponential convergence of hp-finite element discretization of optimal boundary control problems with elliptic partial differential equationsSIAM J. Control Optim. 54, 2526–2552 (2016)
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The regularity of the positive part of functions in L^2(I;H^1(Ω)) ∩ H^1(I;H^1(Ω)^*) with applications to parabolic equationsComment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 57, 327–332 (2016)
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Optimal control of interface problems with hp-finite elementsNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 37, 363–390 (2016)
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Functional error estimators for the adaptive discretization of inverse problemsInverse Problems 32, 104004 (2016)
Newton methods for the optimal control of closed quantum spin systemsSIAM J. Sci. Comput. 37, A319-A346 (2015)
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Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal control problems with distributed observationComp. Opt. Appl. 62, 31–65 (2015)
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An interior point method designed for solving linear quadratic optimal control problems with $hp$ finite elementsOptimization Methods and Software 30, 1276–1302 (2015)
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Optimal control of an oblique derivative problemAnn. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl. 6, 50–73 (2014)
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Robust error estimates for regularization and discretization of bang-bang control problemsComp. Opt. Appl. 62, 271–289 (2014)
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On time optimal control of the wave equation, its regularization and optimality systemESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 19, 317–336 (2013)
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Adaptive regularization and discretization of bang-bang optimal control problemsETNA 40, 249–267 (2013)
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On Time Optimal Control of the Wave Equation and its Numerical Realization as Parametric Optimization ProblemSIAM J. Control Optim. 51, 1232–1262 (2013)
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Convergence analysis of smoothing methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalitiesESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 47, 771–787 (2013)
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Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal boundary control problems of elliptic PDEsComp. Opt. Appl. 51, 883–908 (2012)
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Sufficient Optimality Conditions and Semi-Smooth Newton Methods for Optimal Control of Stationary Variational InequalitiesESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 18, 520–547 (2012)
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A-posteriori error estimates for optimal control problems with state and control constraintsNumerische Mathematik 120, 733–762 (2012)
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A-posteriori verification of optimality conditions for control problems with finite-dimensional control spaceNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 33, 473–523 (2012)
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Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functionalESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 17, 858–886 (2011)
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Path-following for Optimal Control of Stationary Variational InequalitiesComp. Opt. Appl. 51, 1345–1373 (2011)
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Semi-smooth Newton’s Method for an optimal control problem with control and mixed control-state constraintsOptimization Methods and Software 26, 169–186 (2011)
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On the regularization of optimization problems with inequality constraintsControl and Cybernetics 4, 1125–1154 (2011)
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Optimal control of planar flow of incompressible non-Newtonian fluidsJ. for Analysis and its Applications 29, 351–376 (2010)
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Sensitivity analysis and the adjoint update strategy for optimal control problems with mixed control-state constraintsComp. Opt. Appl 44, 57–81 (2009)
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Optimal Dirichlet boundary control of Navier-Stokes equations with state constraintNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 30, 1309–1338 (2009)
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Numerical verification of optimality conditionsSIAM J. Control Optim. 47, 2557–2581 (2008)
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Update strategies for perturbed nonsmooth equationsOptimization Methods and Software 23, 321–343 (2008)
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Analysis of the SQP-method for optimal control problems governed by the instationary Navier-Stokes equations based on $L^p$-theorySIAM J. Control Optim. 46, 1133–1153 (2007)
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Sufficient second-order optimality conditions for convex control constraintsJ. Math. Anal. App. 319, 228–247 (2006)
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Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for the optimal control of Navier-Stokes equationsESAIM: COCV 12, 93–119 (2006)
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Regularity of solutions for an optimal control problem with mixed control-state constraintsTOP 14, 263–278 (2006)
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Regularity of the adjoint state for the instationary Navier-Stokes equationsJ. for Analysis and its Applications 24, 103–116 (2005)
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Regularity and Stability of optimal controls of instationary Navier-Stokes equationsControl and Cybernetics 34, 387–410 (2005)
On convergence of a receding horizon method for parabolic boundary controlOptimization Methods and Software 19, 201–216 (2004)
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On instantaneous control for a nonlinear parabolic boundary control problemNumerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 25, 151–181 (2004)
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A numerical solution approach for non-smooth optimal control problems based on the Pontryagin maximum principleIn: Gallego, R. and Mateos, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the French-German-Spanish Conference on Optimization (2024)
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Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian methods in Banach spacesIn: Hintermüller, M., Herzog, R., Kanzow, C., Ulbrich, M., and Ulbrich, S. (eds.) Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems. pp. 241-282. Birkhäuser (2022)
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How not to discretize the controlIn: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. pp. 793-795 (2016)
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Upper and lower bounds on the set of recoverable strains and on effective energies in cubic-to-monoclinic martensitic phase transformationsIn: MATEC Web of Conferences 33 (2015)
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Necessary conditions for convergence rates of regularizations of optimal control problemsIn: Hömberg, D. and Tröltzsch, F. (eds.) System Modelling and Optimization. pp. 145-154. Springer (2013)
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Adaptive methods for control problems with finite-dimensional control spaceIn: Hömberg, D. and Tröltzsch, F. (eds.) System Modelling and Optimization. pp. 59-69. Springer (2013)
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Polynomial integration on regions defined by a triangle and a conicIn: Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation ISSAC 2010. pp. 163-170. ACM, New York (2010)
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Optimal Boundary Control Problems Related to High-Lift ConfigurationsIn: King, R. (ed.) Active Flow Control II. pp. 405-419. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2010)
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Numerical Study of the Optimization of Separation ControlIn: Proceedings of the 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit (2007)
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Numerical solution of optimal control problems with convex control constraintsIn: Ceragioli, F., Dontchev, A., Furuta, H., and Pandolfi, L. (eds.) Systems, Control, Modeling and Optimization. pp. 319-327. Springer (2006)
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Second-order sufficient optimality conditions for the optimal control of instationary Navier-Stokes equationsIn: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. pp. 628-629 (2004)
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Fast closed loop control of the Navier-Stokes systemIn: Bock, H. G., Kostina, E., Phu, H. X., and Rannacher, R. (eds.) Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes. pp. 189-202. Springer (2004)
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