Deutsch Intern
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Numerical Mathematics and Optimization

Holder of the Chair

Prof. Dr. Christian Kanzow

Holder of the Chair
Chair of Mathematics VII
Emil-Fischer-Straße 30
97074 Würzburg
Building: 30 (Mathematik West)
Room: 02.008
Portrait Christian Kanzow

Research Interests

  • Optimization problems
  • Complementarity problems
  • (Quasi-) Variational inequalities
  • (Generalized) Nash equilibrium problems
  • Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints
  • Sparse optimization
  • Cardinality constraints
  • Algorithms for these classes of problems





































  • Christian Kanzow and Daniel Wachsmuth
    Non-monotone proximal gradient methods in infinite-dimensional spaces with applications to non-smooth optimal control problems
    In: M. Hintermüller, R. Herzog, C. Kanzow, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich (eds.): Non-Smooth and Complementary-Based Distributed Parameter Systems, Part II (Preprint)

  • Christian Kanzow, Veronika Karl, Daniel Steck and Daniel Wachsmuth
    Safeguarded Augmented Lagrangian Methods in Banach Spaces
    In: M. Hintermüller, R. Herzog, C. Kanzow, M. Ulbrich, S. Ulbrich (eds.): Non-Smooth ans Complementary-Based Distributed Parameter Systems. Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland, 2022, pp. 241 - 282. (Preprint)
  • Oleg Burdakov, Christian Kanzow, and Alexandra Schwartz
    On a reformulation of mathematical programs with cardinality constraints.
    In: D.Y. Gao, N. Ruan, and W.X. Xing (eds.): Advances in Global Optimization. Proceedings of the third World Congress of Global Optimization, July 8-12, 2013, Huangshan, China. Springer, 2015, pp. 3-14.
  • Michael L. Flegel and Christian Kanzow
    A direct proof for M-stationarity under MPEC-GCQ for mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints.
    In: S. Dempe and V. Kalashnikov (eds.): Optimization with Multivalued Mappings: Theory, Applications and Algorithms. Springer, New York, NY, 2006, pp. 111-122. ( Preprint )
  • Christian Kanzow
    Proximal-like methods for convex minimization problems.
    In: L. Qi, K.L. Teo and X.Q. Yang (eds.): Optimization and Control with Applications. Springer, New York, NY, 2005, pp. 369-392.
  • Michael C. Ferris and Christian Kanzow
    Complementarity and related problems.
    In: P.M. Pardalos and M.G.C. Resende (eds.): Handbook of Applied Optimization. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 2002, pp. 514-530.
  • Christian Kanzow
    An active set-type Newton method for constrained nonlinear systems.
    In: M.C. Ferris, O.L. Mangasarian and J.-S. Pang (eds.): Complementarity: Applications, Algorithms and Extensions. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, pp. 179-200.
  • Christian Kanzow and Martin Zupke
    Inexact trust-region methods for nonlinear complementarity problems.
    In: M. Fukushima and L. Qi (eds.): Reformulation - Nonsmooth, Piecewise Smooth, Semismooth and Smoothing Methods. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1999, pp. 211-233.
  • Francisco Facchinei, Andreas Fischer and Christian Kanzow
    A semismooth Newton method for variational inequalities: The case of box constraints.
    In: M.C. Ferris and J.-S. Pang (eds.): Complementarity and Variational Problems: State of the Art. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1997, pp. 76-90.
  • Francisco Facchinei, Andreas Fischer and Christian Kanzow
    Inexact Newton methods for semismooth equations with applications to variational inequality problems.
    In: G. Di Pillo and F. Giannessi (eds.): Nonlinear Optimization and Applications. Plenum Press, New York, 1996, pp. 125-139.

Diploma Thesis

Christian Kanzow
Newton-Typ-Verfahren in der restringierten Optimierung.
Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, November 1991 (in German).

Ph.D. Thesis

Christian Kanzow
C-Funktionen und ihre Anwendung auf restringierte Optimierungsaufgaben und Komplementaritätsprobleme.
Verlag an der Lottbek, Ammersbek, January 1995 (in German).

Habilitation Thesis

Christian Kanzow
Semismooth Newton-type Methods for the Solution of Nonlinear Complementarity Problems.
Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, April 1997.

Further Information

Scientific Awards


1987-1989 at the University of Kiel, Germany
1989-1992 at the University of Hamburg, Germany


1992 Diploma in Mathematics at the University of Hamburg
1995 Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Hamburg
1997 Habilitation in Mathematics at the University of Hamburg


1992-1995 "Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter" at the University of Hamburg
1995-2001 "Wissenschaftlicher Assistent" at the University of Hamburg
2001-today Full Professor at the University of Würzburg

Research Stays

1997-1998 at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, USA
1998-1999 at the Università di Roma "La Sapienza" in Rome, Italy
Several shorter research stays in Kyoto, Sydney, Rome etc.


1999-2000 "Vertretungsprofessur" at the University of Trier

Marital Status

Married to Karin Kanzow since 1988. We have three kids:
Rainer Kanzow (born 1993)
Florian Kanzow (born 1994)
Christoph Kanzow (born 1996)

Faculty management

  • Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (1. October 2017 to 30. September 2019)
  • Vice Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science (1. October 2015 to 30. September 2017)

Fellowship in university committees

  • Faculty council (several times)
  • Extended Executive Board (2017 - 2019)
  • Concilium Decanale
  • Presidencies of various appointment committees

Although there is not much time for other interests than mathematics and the family, I try to do at least one additional thing in order to have some kind of compensation to the work in the office and at home, and that's cycling. From time to time, I take part in some races close to my living area (this used to be Hamburg till September 2001 and is Würzburg since October 2001). Here are some of my recent results:

  • HEW Cyclassics, Hamburg, 166 km in about 4h 53min (August 1999, cold and windy weather)
  • HEW Cyclassics, Hamburg, 166 km in about 4h 25min (August 2000, perfect weather)
  • Deutschland-Tour Hamburg-Uelzen, 96 km in about 2h 26min (May 2001, cold and stormy weather)
  • HEW Cyclassics, Hamburg, 166 km in about 4h 14min (August 2001, perfect weather)
  • Deutschland-Tour Wiesbaden-Erbach, 106 km in about 3h 01min (June 2002, hot weather and hilly area)
  • Rund um den Henninger Turm (Frankfurt), 83,3 km in about 2h 20min (May 2003, windy weather and hilly area)
  • Deutschland-Tour Todtmoos-Feldberg, 87 km in about 3h 10min (June 2003, through the black forest with a lot of mountains)
  • GP Schwarzwald, 120 km around Triberg, accident after 84 km (August 2003, again through the black forest with a lot of mountains)
  • Deutschland-Tour Schöneck-Fichtelberg, 80 km in about 2h 59min (June 2004, through the Erzgebirge with a lot of mountains, rainy weather)

Apart from these races, I also take part in some so-called RTFs (Rad-Touren-Fahrten). These RTFs are no official races, there is no official timing, ranking etc. Some of my recent RTFs are:

  • Quer durch Mainfranken, 165 km around Würzburg (June 2002)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 120 km around Kitzingen (September 2002)
  • Quer durch Mainfranken, 165 km around Würzburg (June 2003)
  • Quer durch Mainfranken, 165 km around Würzburg (June 2004)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 220 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2004; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • GP Schwarzwald Triberg, 258 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel, Schauinsland, Belchen, and Feldberg (August 2004; 5300 m difference in altitude)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 120 km around Kitzingen (September 2004)
  • RTF Herbsthausen, 155 km around Bad Mergentheim and Rothenburg o.d. Tauber (May 2005)
  • RTF Frankenhammer, 225 km from Fürth to the Fränkische Schweiz and back with many steep hills (June 2005; 3000 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 220 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2005; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 230 km through the Black Forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2005; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhön Radmarathon (Super Cup), 210 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (June 2006; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 220 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2006; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • SymBadischer Radmarathon (Super Cup), 201 km from Altdorf through the black forrest (September 2006; 3700 m difference in altitude)
  • GP Triberg Schwarzwald, 258 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel, Schauinsland, Belchen, and Feldberg (June 2007; 5300 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 220 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2007; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 162 km around Kitzingen (September 2009)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 220 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2010; 3500 m difference in altitude)
  • 300 km tour around Würzburg with the local club, RSG Würzburg (August 2010)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme (Super Cup), 238 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (June 2011; 4300 m difference in altitude)
  • 300 km tour around Würzburg with the local club, RSG Würzburg (August 2011)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme (Super Cup), 238 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (May 2012; 4300 m difference in altitude)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 162 km around Kitzingen (September 2012)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 233 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2012; 3800 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme (Super Cup), 238 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (May 2013; 4400 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 205 km from Bad Neustadt through the Rhön mountains (July 2013, 3300 m difference in altitude)
  • Bayerisch-Hessische Grenzfahrt, 205 km (at least officially) from Wenigumstadt through the Odenwald mountains (May 2014, 2200 m difference in altitude)
  • 300 km tour around Würzburg with the local club, RSG Würzburg (August 2014)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 155 km around Kitzingen (September 2014)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 237 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2014; 3800 m difference in altitude; heavy rain and thunderstorms, no fun!)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme² (Super Cup), 248 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (May 2015; 4800 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 205 km through the Rhön mountains (July 2015; 3600 m difference in altitude)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 155 km around Kitzingen (September 2015)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 237 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2015; 3800 m difference in altitude)
  • RTF Herbsthausen, 155 km around Bad Mergentheim and Neuenstein (May 2017)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 205 km through the Rhön mountains (July 2017; 3600 m difference in altitude)
  • Arber Radmarathon, 250 km from Regensburg through the Bavarian Forest and back (July 2017; 3750 m difference in altitude)
  • 300 km tour around Würzburg with the local club, RSG Würzburg (August 2017)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 237 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2017; 3800 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme (Super Cup), 258 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (May 2018; 4700 m difference in altitude)
  • Franken-Tour, 160 km from Ochsenfurt to and around the Tauber valley (June 2018)
  • Rhöner Kuppenritt, 205 km through the Rhön mountains (July 2018; 3600 m difference in altitude; cold and rainy weather)
  • Arber Radmarathon, 250 km from Regensburg through the Bavarian Forest and back (July 2018; 3750 m difference in altitude)
  • Bocksbeuteltour, 215 km around Kitzingen (September 2018, 2100 m difference in altitude)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 237 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2018; 3800 m difference in altitude)
  • Bonnet Radmarathon, 217 km from Wenigumstadt through the Odenwald mountains (May 2019, 2600 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme3 (Super Cup), 302 km from Bimbach through the Rhön mountains (June 2019; 5500 m difference in altitude)
  • Rhön Radmarathon Extreme, 258 km from Bimbach over the secondary mountains of the  Rhön (Juli 2021; 4700 m difference in altitude)
  • Arber Radmarathon, 250 km from Regensburg through the Bavarian Forest and back (July 2021; 3400 m difference in altitude)
  • Franken-Tour, 160 km from Ochsenfurt to and around the Tauber valley (May 2022)
  • Arber Radmarathon, 250 km from Regensburg through the Bavarian Forest and back (July 2022; 3750 m difference in altitude)
  • Bonnet-Radmarathon, 214 km from Wenigumstadt through the Spessart and Odenwald mountains (May 2023, 2700 m difference in altitude)
  • Franken-Tour, 160 km from Ochsenfurt around the Tauber valley (June 2023; 1800 m difference in altitude)
  • SURM (Schwarzwald Ultra Rad-Marathon), 237 km through the black forest with a lot of mountains including Kandel etc. (September 2023; 3800 m difference in altitude)
  • Bonnet-Radmarathon, 204 km from Wenigumstadt through the Spessart and Odenwald mountains (May 2024, 2200 m difference in altitude)