Grahl, Jürgen, PD Dr.
PD Dr. Jürgen Grahl

Blow-up solutions of Liouville's equation and quasi-normality
(with Daniela Kraus and Oliver Roth)
Comput. Meth. Funct. Theory 20 (2020), 677-692 -
Oscillating functions that disprove misconceptions on real-valued functions
(with Shahar Nevo)
Mathematics Magazine 92 (2019), 47-57 -
On the growth of real functions and their derivatives
(with Shahar Nevo)
Real Anal. Exch. 43 (2018), 333-346 -
Differential inequalities and a Marty-type criterion for quasi-normality
(with Tomer Manket and Shahar Nevo)
J. Austr. Math. Soc. 105 (2018), 34-45 -
Quasi-normality induced by differential inequalities
(with Shahar Nevo)
Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 50 (2018), 73-84 -
Differential inequalities and quasi-normal families
(with Roi Bar and Shahar Nevo)
Anal. Math. Phys. 4 (2014), 63-71 -
Exceptional functions wandering on the sphere and normal families
(with Shahar Nevo)
Isr. J. Math. 202 (2014), 21-34 -
An extension of one direction in Marty's normality criterion
(with Shahar Nevo)
Monatsh. Math. 174 (2014), 205-217 -
On Riemann's theorem about conditionally convergent series
(with Shahar Nevo)
N. Z. J. Math. 43 (2014), 85-93 -
A non-explicit counterexample to a problem of quasi-normality
(with Shahar Nevo and Xuecheng Pang)
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 406 (2013), 386-391 -
On a result of Bergweiler and Eremenko concerning derivatives bounded on preimages of unbounded sets
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 13 (2013), 181-187 -
Spherical derivatives and normal families
(with Shahar Nevo)
J. d'Anal. Math. 117 (2012), 119-128 -
A normality criterion involving rotations and dilations in the argument
Arkiv Math. 50 (2012), 89-110 -
Differential polynomials and shared values
(with Shahar Nevo)
Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 36 (2011), 47-70 -
Differential polynomials with dilations in the argument and normal families,
Monatsh. Math. 162 (2011), 429-452 -
Uniqueness theorems for L-functions
(with Ramunas Garunkštis and Jörn Steuding)
Comment. Math. Univ. St. Pauli 60 (2011), 15-35 -
Differential polynomials which share a value with their derivative and normal families
Analysis 31 (2011), 67-80 -
On a result of Singh and Singh concerning shared values and normality
(with Shahar Nevo),
Compl. Var. Elliptic Equ. 55 (2010), 347-356 -
A modification of the Nevanlinna theory
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory10 (2010), 97-109. -
An extension of Lewis's lemma, renormalization of harmonic and analytic functions and normal families
(with Oliver Roth)
Math. Nachr. 282 (2009), 540-551 -
Some new results on the semiduality of small sets of analytic functions,
Analysis 29 (2009), 71-80 -
Entire functions sharing a polynomial with their derivatives and normal families
(with Chao Meng)
Analysis 28 (2008), 51-61 -
An addition to the Tumura-Clunie theorem
Result. Math. 52 (2008), 55-61 -
A short proof of Miranda's theorem and some extensions using Zalcman's lemma,
J. Anal. 11 (2003), 105-113 -
On the construction of semidual gap structures,
Analysis 23 (2003), 185-198 -
Hayman's alternative and normal families of nonvanishing meromorphic functions
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 2 (2002), 481-508. -
Semiduality of small sets of analytic functions
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory 2 (2002), 113-135. -
An extension of a normality result of D. Drasin and H. Chen & X. Hua for analytic functions
Comput. Methods Funct. Theory1 (2001), 457-478. -
Some applications of Cartan's theorem to normality and semiduality of gap power series,
J. d'Anal. Math. 82 (2000), 207-220Economy and Ecology
Physics, Welfare Optimization, Russian Gas, and Climate Change: Questions to Economics
(with Reiner Kümmel and Dietmar Lindenberger),
preprint (April 2023) -
Vom ökonomischen Gewicht der Energie. Anmerkungen zur aktuellen Energiekrise aus wirtschaftstheoretischer Sicht
(with Reiner Kümmel and Dietmar Lindenberger),
Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft 4/2022 -
What if calculations of the economic effects for Germany of a stop of energy imports from Russia are misled by the neoclassical cost-share theorem?
(with Reiner Kümmel and Dietmar Lindenberger),
preprint (June 2022) -
Zehn fragwürdige Dogmen und Paradigmen der traditionellen Ökonomie (Ten disputable dogmata and paradigms of standard economy)
Jahrbuch Nachhaltige Ökonomie 2013/2014, ed.: H. Rogall et al., Metropolis, Marburg 2013, 135-154 -
Das Loch im Fass - Energiesklaven, Arbeitsplätze und die Milderung des Wachstumszwangs (The hole in the bucket - energy slaves, jobs and the mitigation of the need to grow)
(with Reiner Kümmel),
Nachhaltiges Wachstum: Wissenschaft und Umwelt Interdisziplinär 13 (2009), 195-212 -
Von Wachstum und Wachstumszwang (About growth and the force to grow)
(with Stefan Brunnhuber)
GAIA 16/3 (2007), 176-177 -
Jenseits des Wachstumszwangs. Zum Verhältnis von Energie, Kapital und Arbeit (Beyond the need to grow)
(with Stefan Brunnhuber)
GAIA 15/2 (2006), 96-101Preprints
- Estimates for probabilities of independent events and infinite series (with Shahar Nevo)