Dirr Gunther, Dr.
Dr. Gunther Dirr

- Nichtlineare Kontrolltheorie
- Bilineare Systeme / Systeme auf Lie-Gruppen
- Kontrolle quantenmechanische Systeme
- Ensemble-Kontrollierbarkeit
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Lehrveranstaltungen und Übungen (Sommersemester 2025)
Dozent: Dr. Gunther Dirr
Einführung in die Geometrische Analysis | Lineare Algebra | |
Vorlesung (Beginn: Donnerstag, 24.04.2025): Übungstermine in Gruppen (Beginn: wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben): Freitag, 12:00 - 14:00 (S0.102), Hubland Nord | Vorlesung (Beginn: Freitag, 25.04.2025): Übungstermine in Gruppen (Beginn: wird in der Vorlesung bekannt gegeben): Donnerstag 10:00 - 12:00 (S0.101), Hubland Nord |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Operatoralgebra
Dienstag, 16:00 - 18:00 (SE 40), Hubland Nord
Mittwoch, 16:00 - 18:00 (S0.101), Hubland Nord
WueCampus course
Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
G. Dirr. Differentialgleichungen in Frecheträumen, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 2001.
Zeitschriftenartikel (unvollständig)
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and F. Rüppel. Accessibility of Bilinear Networks of Systems - Control by Interconnections, accepted for publication in MCSS, 2016.
- G. Ciaramella, A. Borzi, G. Dirr and D. Wachsmuth. Newton Methods for the Optimal Control of Closed Quantum Spin Systems, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 37:1 (2015), 319–346.
- G. Dirr, H. Ito, A. Rantzer and B. Rüffer. Separable Lyapunov functions for monotone systems: constructions and limitations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2015.
- G. Dirr, J. Jordan and I. Kurniawan. A note on generic accessibility and controllability of bilinear systems, in: Mathematical System Theory: Festschrift in Honor of Uwe Helmke on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, 2013.
- G. Dirr. Ensemble Controllability of Bilinear Systems, in: Oberwolfach Reports, Vol. 9:1, 674-676, 2012.
- C. O'Meara, G. Dirr and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. Illustrating the geometry of coherently controlled unital open quantum systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, Vol. 57, 2050-2056, 2012.
- I. Kurniawan, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Controllability aspects of quantum dynamics: a unified approach for closed and open systems, IEEE Trans. Automat. Control, Vol. 57, 1984-1996, 2012.
- O. Curtef, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Riemannian optimization on tensor products of Grassmann manifolds: Applications to generalized Rayleigh-quotients, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., Vol. 33:1 (2012), 210–234.
- T. Schulte-Herbrüggen, S. Glaser, G. Dirr, and U. Helmke, Gradient flows for optimization in quantum information and quantum dynamics: foundations and applications, Reviews in Math. Physics, 22:6 (2009), 597-667.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and J. Jordan, Control and Observation of the Matrix Riccati Differential Equation, in Emergent Problems in Nonlinear Systems and Control, LN in Control and Information Sciences, B. Gosh et al. (Eds.), Springer, 2009, 169-184.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, I. Kurniawan and T. Schulte-Herbrüggen, Lie-semigroup Structures for Reachability and Control of Open Quantum Systems: Kossakowski-Lindbald Generators from Lie Wedge to Markovian Channels, Reports on Math. Physics, 64 (2009), 93-121.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, Accessibility of a Class of Generalized Double-Bracket Flows, CIS, 8:2 (2008), 127-146.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Kleinsteuber and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. Relative C-numerical range for applications in quantum control and quantum information, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 56:1 (2008), 27-51.
- Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen, G. Dirr, U. Helmke and S. Glaser. The significance of the C-numerical range and the local C-numerical range in quantum control and quantum information, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 56:1 (2008), 3-26.
- G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Lie Theory for Quantum Control, GAMM-Mitteilungen, 31:1 (2008), 59-93.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and Ch. Lageman. Nonsmooth Riemannian optimization with applications to sphere packing and grasping. In Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 366, 29-45, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
- G. Dirr and H. Wimmer. An Eneström-Kakeya theorem for Hermitian polynomial matrices, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52:11 (2007), 2151-2153.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, K. Hüper, M. Kleinsteuber and Y. Liu. Spin dynamics: a paradigm for time optimal control on compact Lie groups, Journal of Global Optimization, 35 (2006), 443-474.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and M. Kleinsteuber. Lie algebra representations, nilpotent matrices, and the C-numerical range, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 413 (2006), 534-566.
- G. Dirr, V. Rakocevic and H. Wimmer. Estimates for projections in Banach spaces and existence of direct complements, Studia Math., 170:2 (2005), 211-216.
- G. Dirr and Martin Väth. Continuity of Near-Duality Maps and Characterization of Ideal Spaces of Measurable Functions. In Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations, Vol. 40, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2000.
- G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Continuity properties of balanced realizations, System and Control Letters, 34 (1998), 217-224.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Kleinsteuber and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. Relative C- numerical range for applications in quantum control and quantum information, e-print: arXiv:quant-math/0702005 (2007).
Konferenzbeiträge (unvollständig)
- G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Controlling Mean and Variance in Ensembles of Linear Systems, submitted to NOLCOS 2016.
- E.I. Verriest, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Delayed Resource Allocation Optimization with Applications in Population Dynamics, submitted to IFAC 2016.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and M. Schönlein. Uniform Ensemble Controllability of Parametric Systems, submitted to MTNS 2016.
- F. Rüppel, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Controllability of Bilinear Interconnected Systems, MTNS 2014.
- A. Rantzer, B.S. Rüffer and G. Dirr. Separable Lyapunov functions for monotone systems, CDC 2013.
- F. Assaad, G. Dirr, F. Goth, and U. Helmke. Control Aspects of a Finite Length Hubbard Chain, Proceedings of the MTNS, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
- I. Kurniawan, G. Dirr, and U. Helmke. A Unified Approach to Controllability of Closed and Open Quantum Systems, Proceedings of the MTNS, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and J. Jordan. Global observability of real analytic systems, Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), Budapest 2009, 4582-4586.
- G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Accessibility of the Matrix Riccati Differential Equation, Proceedings of the GAMM Annual Meeting, Zurich, 2007. PAMM 7:1 (2007), 4130031-4130032
- I. Kurniawan, G. Dirr, and U. Helmke. The Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems: Accessibility Results, Proceedings of the GAMM Annual Meeting, Zurich, 2007. PAMM 7:1 (2007), 4130045-4130046
- O. Curtef, G. Dirr, and U. Helmke. Conjugate gradient algorithms for best rank-1 approximation of tensors, Proceedings of the ICIAM, Zurich, 2006. PAMM 7:1 (2007), 1062201-1062202
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Kleinsteuber, St. Glaser and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. The local C-numerical range: examples, conjectures, and numerical algorithms, Proceedings of the MTNS, Kyoto, Japan, 2006.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Kleinsteuber, St. Glaser and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. A new type of C-numerical range arising in quantum computing, Proceedings of the GAMM Annual Meeting, Berlin, 2006. PAMM 6:1 (2006), 711-712.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and Ch. Lageman. Nonsmooth Riemannian optimization with applications to sphere packing and grasping. In Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006: Proceedings from the 3rd IFAC Workshop, Nagoya, Japan, 2006.
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke and M. Kleinsteuber. Time optimal factorizations on compact Lie groups, Proceedings of the GAMM Annual Meeting, Dresden, 2004. PAMM, 4:1 (2004), 664-665.
Elektronische Publikationen (unvollständig)
- O. Curtef, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Riemannian optimization on tensor products of Grassmann manifolds: Applications to generalized Rayleigh-quotients, e-print: arXiv:1005.4854v1 (2010).
- Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen, S. Glaser, G. Dirr and U. Helmke. Gradient Flows for Optimisation and Quantum Control, e-print: arXiv:quant-ph/0802.4195v1 (2008).
- Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen, G. Dirr, U. Helmke and S. Glaser. The significance of the C-numerical range and the local C-numerical range in quantum control and quantum information, e-print: arXiv:quant-math/0701035 (2007).
- G. Dirr, U. Helmke, M. Kleinsteuber and Th. Schulte-Herbrüggen. Relative C- numerical range for applications in quantum control and quantum information, e-print: arXiv:quant-math/0702005 (2007).
To be done!